Harvard Scholarship Essay Examples

Scholarship essays play a vital role in the application process, as they provide an opportunity for students to showcase their unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations. When it comes to prestigious institutions like Harvard, crafting a compelling scholarship essay becomes even more critical. In this article, we will explore the significance of scholarship essays and provide you with three outstanding examples of Harvard scholarship essays. These examples will help you understand the qualities that make an essay stand out and inspire you to create your own exceptional piece.

Understanding the Importance of Scholarship Essays

Scholarship essays serve as a window into your life, allowing the selection committee to gain insight into who you are beyond your academic achievements and extracurricular activities. They provide an opportunity to demonstrate your character, values, goals, and potential contributions to the Harvard community. A well-written essay can leave a lasting impression and significantly increase your chances of being awarded a scholarship.

Key Elements of a Strong Harvard Scholarship Essay

Before diving into the essay examples, let’s discuss the key elements that make a scholarship essay successful:

1. Authenticity and Personal Voice

An outstanding scholarship essay reflects your authentic self and showcases your unique perspective. It should give the reader a sense of who you are as an individual and what drives you.

2. Clear and Compelling Storytelling

Effective essays engage the reader by telling a compelling story. They have a clear structure and flow, with a strong introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a memorable conclusion.

3. Alignment with Harvard’s Values and Mission

Your essay should align with Harvard’s core values and mission. Demonstrate how your goals, aspirations, and experiences resonate with the university’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and positive impact.

4. Reflective and Self-Awareness

A strong essay demonstrates self-reflection and self-awareness. It shows that you have taken the time to understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and how your experiences have shaped your character and goals.

Essay Example 1: Overcoming Adversity

Prompt: “Describe a significant challenge you have faced and the impact it has had on your life.”

Essay Excerpt:

When I was eight years old, my family faced a devastating financial setback. Overnight, our comfortable lifestyle turned into a constant struggle to make ends meet. Despite the hardships, this experience taught me the value of resilience, resourcefulness, and community support. It ignited a fire within me to create change and help others who face similar challenges. I am determined to use my education and future career to uplift individuals and communities facing adversity.

In this example, the student highlights a personal challenge and the transformative impact it had on their life. The essay effectively conveys the applicant’s determination to turn their adversity into an opportunity for personal growth and social impact.

Essay Example 2: Pursuing a Passion

Prompt: “Discuss an activity or interest that has been particularly meaningful to you.”

Essay Excerpt:

Ever since I picked up a paintbrush as a child, art has been my sanctuary and creative outlet. Through countless hours spent in my makeshift studio, I have discovered the power of art to bridge cultural divides, evoke emotions, and challenge societal norms. My passion for art drives me to explore diverse mediums, experiment with new techniques, and share my creations with others. I aspire to use my artistic talent to promote dialogue, inspire change, and foster understanding in a world that often struggles to find common ground.

This essay example demonstrates the applicant’s deep passion for art and the ways in which it has shaped their perspective and aspirations. It showcases their commitment to using art as a means of communication and social transformation.

Essay Example 3: Commitment to Social Impact

Prompt: “Describe a time when you made a meaningful contribution to your community or demonstrated leadership.”

Essay Excerpt:

When I witnessed the devastating effects of climate change in my community, I knew I couldn’t stand idly by. I organized a grassroots initiative to raise awareness about sustainable practices and engage local businesses in environmentally responsible actions. Through collaborative efforts, we implemented recycling programs, organized educational workshops, and advocated for policy changes. This experience taught me the power of collective action and instilled in me a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability.

In this example, the applicant showcases their leadership skills and dedication to addressing an urgent societal issue. The essay effectively communicates their passion for creating positive change and their ability to mobilize others towards a common goal.

Tips for Writing an Effective Harvard Scholarship Essay

To help you craft a strong scholarship essay, here are some valuable tips to consider:

1. Start Early and Plan Your Essay

Give yourself ample time to brainstorm, outline, and revise your essay. Starting early allows you to reflect on your experiences and write multiple drafts, ensuring that your final essay is polished and well-crafted.

2. Understand the Prompt

Thoroughly read and understand the essay prompt. Pay attention to any specific guidelines or questions asked. Make sure your essay addresses the prompt directly and stays focused throughout.

3. Showcase Your Unique Voice and Perspective

Harvard values diverse perspectives and individuality. Use your essay as an opportunity to showcase your unique voice, experiences, and insights. Avoid generic statements and strive for authenticity.

4. Use Vivid and Descriptive Language

Engage the reader by using vivid and descriptive language. Paint a picture with your words and allow the reader to immerse themselves in your story.

5. Seek Feedback and Revise

Seek feedback from trusted mentors, teachers, or family members. Their insights can help you refine your essay and ensure that it effectively conveys your message.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing your Harvard scholarship essay, be mindful of the following common mistakes:

  • Lack of originality: Avoid generic or clichéd responses. Be authentic and let your unique qualities shine through.
  • Poor structure and organization: Ensure that your essay has a clear and logical structure. Use paragraphs to separate different ideas and maintain a coherent flow.
  • Ignoring word count limitations: Stay within the specified word limit. Be concise and make every word count.
  • Grammatical and spelling errors: Proofread your essay carefully to eliminate any grammatical or spelling mistakes. These errors can detract from the overall impact of your essay.

Formatting and Structure Guidelines

When formatting your Harvard scholarship essay, follow these guidelines:

  • Use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Arial, size 12.
  • Set 1-inch margins on all sides of the document.
  • Double-space the entire essay.
  • Include your name and page number on each page.
  • Use a consistent citation style if you reference any sources.

Showcasing Your Unique Voice and Perspective

When writing your Harvard scholarship essay, remember to embrace your unique voice and perspective. Your essay is an opportunity to showcase who you are as an individual and what makes you stand out. Don’t be afraid to share personal stories, reflect on your experiences, and express your aspirations.

The Role of Editing and Proofreading

After completing your essay, it’s crucial to edit and proofread it thoroughly. Editing helps refine your ideas, strengthen your arguments, and ensure clarity and coherence. Proofreading eliminates any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or typos. Consider seeking the assistance of a trusted friend, teacher, or family member to provide a fresh perspective and offer valuable feedback.


Crafting a compelling scholarship essay is a crucial step in your Harvard scholarship application process. By leveraging your unique voice, sharing personal stories, and demonstrating alignment with Harvard’s values, you can create an essay that stands out and increases your chances of receiving a scholarship. Remember to start early, seek feedback, and revise your essay to perfection.


1. Can I use the same essay for multiple scholarship applications?

It is generally recommended to tailor your essay to each specific scholarship application. Highlight aspects of your experiences and goals that align with the values and mission of each scholarship program.

2. How long should my scholarship essay be?

Scholarship essay lengths can vary, so it is essential to carefully read the application instructions and adhere to any specified word or character limits. In general, aim for a concise essay that effectively communicates your message.

3. Should I include personal anecdotes in my scholarship essay?

Personal anecdotes can add depth and authenticity to your essay. However, make sure they are relevant to the prompt and contribute to your overall narrative.

4. How can I make my scholarship essay stand out from the competition?

To make your essay stand out, focus on showcasing your unique perspective, experiences, and aspirations. Avoid generic responses and strive for originality and authenticity.

5. Is it necessary to have someone else review my scholarship essay?

While not mandatory, having someone else review your essay can provide valuable feedback and help identify areas for improvement. Another person’s perspective can often catch mistakes or offer suggestions that you may have missed.

Remember, each scholarship application is an opportunity to present yourself in the best possible light. Take your time, stay true to yourself, and let your passion and dedication shine through in your Harvard scholarship essay.

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